Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
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Smart organic farmers are the future

The Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi) is testing digital technologies for sake of sustainable agriculture

agriculture, agricultural technology, organic farming, sustainability, sustainable, industrial revolution


We know that organic farming alone cannot save the world, but it is still the most sustainable farming system

Recently, a new study was published in Nature Communications on the transition to organic farming and the emission of greenhouse gases, which spread fast in the international and Hungarian press.

organic farming, organic economy, sustainability, biotechnology


Discovering the diverse potential of our forgotten grassland

Around 28% of the total area of the European Union countries is covered by grassland and green shrubs.

sustainable development, agriculture, organic farming, sustainability, sustainable, factories, grassland


Sustainable organic farming or 9 billion people on Earth? Is this really an inevitable choice?

Although organic farming and sustainability are widely supported in theory, they are still considered a naive strategy when discussing the global food supply. How will we be able to supply the predicted 9 billion global population, and increase agricultural production by 50% using only organic farming methods? It seems impossible. But is it really?

sustainable development, agriculture, organic farming, sustainability, sustainable, sustainable farming


Our research made understandable: A muster of grains – the second act

In the summer we introduced you to some of the details of plant pathology testing we carried out in the field. When assessing crops, besides investigating the appearance of various ear diseases, we also examined the endurance and weed-suppressing ability of the plants, as well as their growth rate. You can read more about this here.

agriculture, grain, organic farming, seed, analysis


An organic sowing seed working group has been created

On 29 October the organic sowing seed working group was launched by the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi). The aim of the working group is to enhance the use of organic sowing seeds in Hungary and to take the first steps towards providing a proper variety assortment of organic sowing seeds for farmers.

organic, ecology, organic farming, sustainability, sustainable, eco, seed


Agrobiodiversity Agro, bio, what? – Why is the diversity of agriculture important?

Diversity is an important thing. Maybe we have partly understood it. But do we really understand why it is so important? Of course, it’s nice to have lots of different coloured butterflies and interesting animals living around us, and of course we should protect them, but this story is about much more.

ömki, agriculture, organic, climate change, organic agriculture, organic farming, sustainable, agro


The “living lab” of Hungarian organic agriculture is on the rise

Five new researchers joined our team, we expanded our activities, and further developed our current projects. 

ömki, organic agriculture, organic farming, sustainable, eco, organic food, organic tomato, organic grain, livestock



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